Jonathan, Ann, Jenna, Tori, & Sammy

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Babies at Reidhill !!!

I have always heard that the full moon brings the new borns and after spending Sunday at Reidhill Farm, Donny's & Kim's place, I believe it more. There were triplets, twins, and singletons. There were black sheep, white sheep, mixed colored goats, and even a black calf. It is hard to believe that a Mommy black sheep can have white and one black. Everything I learned in genetics in high school doesn't work on the farm. There was even a Mommy white sheep who had triples..two white and one black. Maybe they don't know who the Daddy's your Daddy? The girls had a ball. I had to herd them into the jeep to come home. Jenna named a black ewe Bear...because Granny Bear loves black licorice. He is so cute all black with a little bit of white hair on his head. Sam was covered in mud...she stayed in the goat pen with the 4 day old goat name Freddy. She tried to take his twin brother home, Franklin, under her jacket. Tori was enjoying the sheep but the the Mommy's did not like everyone around her babies. When you get the chance ask Tori what it means when a sheep stomps her feet at you? (If you don't move as quick as she wants you to, away from her babies, she head butts you in the butt.) We want a herd of sheep now. Guess we will have to wait until Ho leaves town again. EWE have all have a good day now!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


So you want to know what you do with your time when it is so cold outside? You stay inside and cheer for your favorite basketball team. Sam loved cheering for football so much she is now cheering for basketball. She is cheering with Upward. This is a Christian group that works in the churches that form different teams. I love it because there is not yelling and everyone is treated like a winner, even if you don't win. They needed an asst leader so I signed up. So we learn our cheers on Monday and we cheer on Saturday mornings. There are 9 girls on the squad and we have lots of fun. To have the energy that these girls have. Go Upward!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

SNOW DAY !!!!!!

We had a snow day today!!! It started snowing last night at 9 and we ended up with 4 inches.
We played in the snow, had snow ball fights, and went sledding.
It was a great snow day, but a little cold. Everything is frozen especially my bottom. Tori came up with a neat idea fter that....she put the disk sled under the tube and your bottom doesn't get wet.

Tori & Jenna's bowling party

The girls had their 1st girl/boy party and everyone had fun. We went bowling! Some of us did better than others, ok the truth...everyone had a higher score than I did and we had the bumpers on. We ended up with 16 kids and 4 adults bowling. It is hard to believe they are 11 years old. Dusty's team had the best score, then Ho's team, 3rd was Julie's team and last but not least my team.

Jenna's new hair cut !!!

Jenna donated her hair to Locks for Love. She got 10 inches cut off. She looks so cute and grown up.

She said she never knew Aunt Greta wore a wig after she got sick and she knew others going through the same pain as her Aunt. She said she waited to donated her hair for the strong will people in her life that has had to deal with cancer...Greta, Melinda, Martha, and Tersea.
here she is with 2 of her best friends

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Breath in Breath out Move on !

Here it is the new year already. Sam wants to learn to roller skate, Tori wants to learn to milk a cow, show more and do better at the cow show and grow taller, Jenna wants to learn Karate this year. For myself just to live, laugh, and love. We started the new year off with finishing the twins birthday. At midnight we opened a bottle of homemade wine from PawPaw(David) and then went to bed. Not much of an exciting night. We wish everyone a happy new year and may all your dreams come true.

The picture above was taken on New Years Eve day at the Biltmore Estate. We enjoyed a little of our past and thought about the future.

We love ya!