Jonathan, Ann, Jenna, Tori, & Sammy

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday morning 4-H

This morning the girls and I went to Lake Powhatan to go fishing if the 4-H group. After being there for about a hour and the girls were in the shallow in trying to catch little fish. Tori got a throne in her foot and she tossed here shoe off and it landed in the lake. While we were trying to catch Tori's shoe with a fishing pole Jenna got her feet stuck in muck on the bottom. So she pulled her feet up and she had lost a shoe. So now we have 2 right crocs in the water. Tori's shoe is floating and Jenna's shoe can't be seen. Bradon, the 4-H leader and another nice fisherman caught Tori's shoe. So we start looking for Jenna's. We could not see it. The bottom was to muddy to see the red shoe. So we just waited for the mud to clear up and still no shoe. So Jenna and the nice fisherman's wife got a stick and started strapping the bottom of the lake and after a few minutes they found the shoe. Now both girls have their shoes, we caught no fish, and Myrtle the Turtle didn't get a new hat ( one of the girls shoes). They said they were trying to catch a stupid slow fish. I guess you can ask who the stupid one is, since they are the ones that lost their shoes and not the fish. He had a great time with lots of laughs but no fish. The rules of the day...not all crocs float and watch were you flip your shoes off.

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