Jonathan, Ann, Jenna, Tori, & Sammy

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Heritage day

We spent the afternoon learning about our heritage. First we went to the Folk Art Center to go to their heritage days. They had weavers, broom makers, and quilters. The girls learned to quilt a little and made a 10x10 crazy quilt square. Then they learned how to make corn dolls. After that we went to the Biltmore Estate's heritage day. Look I did find some of my heritage there... It was the Bear. She was working at the Estate showing off her chair caning. Kim was there also working her spinning wheel. So, I just you can say I found my heritage from the 2 of them. There were people there that had jams, making butter, doing pottery, and there were lots of old fashion kid games. Tori beat me in checkers, Sam tried to walk on wooden stilts, and Jenna enjoyed the wooden hula hoop. We went down to the barn to see the 2 day old baby goats. They are so cute. It was a great afternoon. I enjoy the old fashion way to do things but I also know I would have never made it back then.

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