Thanks for everyone who voted for Dylan's middle name.
His full name is Dylan Thomas Ross. We will go pick him up after this weekend. When I called about him they said he was finishing nursing and eating some grain. Mrs Worely said the mommy pig was wanting them all to be finished... all the piglets can't nurse at the same time because they are getting to big. The question was asked why the pig got a middle name when not all the farm animals had one. Well all the dogs have middle names and I bet if you ask the girls so do most of the animals. Will add pictures once we get him.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
car ride
We took both of the dogs to superpets for their rabies shot. Not that taking all 3 kids out is a job but then you through in 2 dogs, one that is bigger than me when he stands on his hind legs. So little Eva, big Monty, the girls and I stood in line for over 2 hours to prevent any problems in the future. You can see all types of dogs and cats when you wait that long. No one had a dog as big as Monty. But he behaved himself very well. He would sit when you asked him to. He would put his big paw on your leg when he wanted to be patted and he wanted to pee on everything that smelled like another dog. The hardest part was getting his big butt in the front seat of my car. There is dog fur and slubber everywhere. He is defiantly not a car dog anymore. But I am not going to tell him.
Breath in Breath out Move on ! Spit the dog hair out.
The wait was not as tiresome as I waited the other day to get gas. I was in line and after waiting for 55 minutes two cars ahead of me the place ran out of gas. So I went to another station and waited for another 45 minutes and finally got some. This is where I learned to put a book in the car to read because all I had was one of the girls library books.
Pray for gas and rain to wash the slubber off my car!!!
Free Cycle Pig
With times being so tough you have to resuse reuse reuse. The Bear is a member of a web site called Free Cycle. It is for things that people don't want anymore and they post on line to see if anyone else wants it. We have seen seats for cars, clothes, and even a pack of pencils. This is were the Bear found Brittian the cat. She called me at work Monday about a potbelly pig. I emailed the lady and Tori and I went out to West Asheville to see this pig. They say she is under a year old and after we said we wanted her they said oh by the way she might be pregnant. She does have a belly on her but she is a potbelly so how can you really tell? My pig experts came today..Donny and Dusty. Dusty says she is and Donny said he is not sure but she is a good looking pig. HoHo says the Bear is not aloud on the free cycle anymore..both animals she has found came to the funny farm pregnant. We all like her, we named her Daisy Duke. You ask how long a pig is pregnant? 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, and before breakfast the next morning. We will let you know about the little piglets.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Heritage day
We spent the afternoon learning about our heritage. First we went to the Folk Art Center to go to their heritage days. They had weavers, broom makers, and quilters. The girls learned to quilt a little and made a 10x10 crazy quilt square. Then they learned how to make corn dolls. After that we went to the Biltmore Estate's heritage day. Look I did find some of my heritage there...
It was the Bear. She was working at the Estate showing off her chair caning. Kim was there also working her spinning wheel. So, I just you can say I found my heritage from the 2 of them. There were people there that had jams, making butter, doing pottery, and there were lots of old fashion kid games. Tori beat me in checkers, Sam tried to walk on wooden stilts, and Jenna enjoyed the wooden hula hoop. We went down to the barn to see the 2 day old baby goats. They are so cute. It was a great afternoon. I enjoy the old fashion way to do things but I also know I would have never made it back then.

Saturday morning 4-H
This morning the girls and I went to Lake Powhatan to go fishing if the 4-H group. After being there for about a hour and the girls were in the shallow in trying to catch little fish. Tori got a throne in her foot and she tossed here shoe off and it landed in the lake. While we were trying to catch Tori's shoe with a fishing pole Jenna got her feet stuck in muck on the bottom. So she pulled her feet up and she had lost a shoe. So now we have 2 right crocs in the water. Tori's shoe is floating and Jenna's shoe can't be seen. Bradon, the 4-H leader and another nice fisherman caught Tori's shoe. So we start looking for Jenna's. We could not see it. The bottom was to muddy to see the red shoe. So we just waited for the mud to clear up and still no shoe. So Jenna and the nice fisherman's wife got a stick and started strapping the bottom of the lake and after a few minutes they found the shoe. Now both girls have their shoes, we caught no fish, and Myrtle the Turtle didn't get a new hat ( one of the girls shoes). They said they were trying to catch a stupid slow fish. I guess you can ask who the stupid one is, since they are the ones that lost their shoes and not the fish. He had a great time with lots of laughs but no fish. The rules of the day...not all crocs float and watch were you flip your shoes off.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A present for me
Yes, the fair is over. You know some people go for the food, others for the rides, but I go for the animals. You know you can get anything you want at the fair. I got something I wanted for a long time. I would like to meet the newest addition to the funny farm....his name is Dylan..

He will be able to come home in a few weeks.
He will be able to come home in a few weeks.
The Rest of the fair week
Friday night is just WNC District. So we have a little fun.
Here is a late entry for the cow show, that is Bebe, Donny and Kim's little dog dressed as a cow. I think that it should have won best in show. After the cattle show we went down and watched Donny and Dusty dance with the state officals. They even auctioned off a vet as a potbelly pigs. You would never believe that Donny can do the twist and we are not going to talk about the brickhouse with Dusty. Saturday started and I did not think it was every going to end. Our 1st sheep show started at 10..the sheep did walk.
now all 3 girls are in the same class because they are all 3 fine natural wool lambs..Sam got 3rd, Tori got 4th, and Jenna got 5th, in this Jr wool breed. Not bad for their 1st wool show. Then we had to run to the other side of the fair to show cows, ok Ho came to the other gate to pick up the girls as soon as they got out of the arena..I stayed to get the sheep in the pen and halters off. Then I ran to the other side to see the open cattle show.
I made it in time to see Sam win 1st place in her class, Tori placed 6th and Jenna in 7th in their class. Then it was off to the other side of the fair to go back to the sheep.
This was the fleece show. All they look at is the wool itself on your sheep. We have young sheep but Jenna still placed, she got 8th. In this class you compete with all natural fine wool sheep no matter the age. We still had to show turkeys. We missed the hen show but we did make the tom show. These are the turkeys the girls raised since they were 1 week old. They went from 3 oz to 16 lbs in 4 months.

There were 50 kids and we had the most turkeys surive. Tori places 6th, Jenna 7th, and Sam 9th. We still have 3 turkeys here at on the farm. Then our shows were over for Saturday, but not our day. They had reschedule the Sugarland concert for that night. So we left the fairgrounds to go party.
If you get the chance to see them you need to, they were amazing. After the concert the girls and I headed back to the trailer for a few hours of sleep. Sunday..the last day. We only showed 2 animals that day. But both competions started at the same time. We got the cows ready and show in the Jr open dairy show. Tori placed 7th and Jenna placed 6th in their class while Sam placed 6th in hers..
Ho then took us over to the other side of the fair to show the sheep in the open wool breed show. You talk about timing we got there and we were the next class to show.
Sam placed 2nd and Tori placed 8th. All 3 girls did earn their showmanship ribbon for their sheep. Ho had the VW waiting and he drove us back to get ready for the costume contest while Dusty put the sheep back in the pens. Now you ask costume contest? Yes the kids dress up as well as they dress up the cows.
Now Jenna dressed up Woopy as an ice cream sundae while she was a 50's waitress
Tori dressed up as Taylor Swift and Taylor the cow had the music sheet for milk drops on my guitar.
Sam was Dorthy and Oz her cow was the good witch, no red ruby slippers just red cowboy boots
This was the fleece show. All they look at is the wool itself on your sheep. We have young sheep but Jenna still placed, she got 8th. In this class you compete with all natural fine wool sheep no matter the age. We still had to show turkeys. We missed the hen show but we did make the tom show. These are the turkeys the girls raised since they were 1 week old. They went from 3 oz to 16 lbs in 4 months.
the fair is over
A fellow cow mom and I were talking this past weekend. You know showing cows are like child birth. You forget the troubles and the pain and do it all again. I guess you can say I haven't learned I have 3 kids and have shown for 3 years. I am so tired but the girls are wondering what next years theme is so they can start planning. Here is a run down of our week. 
Saturday: Here is Jenna after she got 4th place in the Spam Competition. Way to go girl.
The girls at the pig races. The pigs race around to win cheese puffs..I could do that.
The Bear their bear can dance, ride a bike, and sit in a chair. Our Bear can do that and much more. They get the bears to do tricks by giving them treats, all we have to have is icecream. Sunday..
This is the cow know the girls sang the car wash song the all time...the cow wash baby. All you need is a lot of dish soap, brillo pads, and a good scrub brush. You turn on the water then move your feet, so they don't get stepped on.
Monday..Tori at her volleyball game. The team calls her Jitterbug..she is so funny..way to much caffeine. The Lady Rams won again. Yeah! Tuesday..egg contest. Jenna and Tori entered..Tori and her Lu's country casserole and Jenna's spicy casserole. Neither girl won but they were competing against ladies that have been cooking for over 50 years...
While we were waiting for the judges the girls got to ride Marshal Mike's quarter horse...
and old wanted pictures. I would turn them in for the reward sometimes. These are pictures you put away to pull out then the girls start dating. Wednesday night the girls and I went to church for the 1st meal and lambs. Then Sam and I went out to the fair in the rain to get feed from Donny. Not many people are going in the fair at 8:30 in the rain at night.
The cows and sheep where picked up on Thursday...really picked up. I don't think these sheep know how to walk. Ho also took the trailer over so we would be ready..Friday..Jenna and I left work and school early so we could wash the cows and get things ready.

all 3 girls showed and placed in showmen ship. Then they showed again for placement with others in their age..not the kids age the cows..Jenna won 2nd, Tori won 1st, Sam won 3rd. The twins were in the same class and Sam was in another. It was a great night..
Saturday: Here is Jenna after she got 4th place in the Spam Competition. Way to go girl.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
our 1st day at the fair
Jenna got honorable mention for her spam nuggets. She received 2 ribbons and a spam shirt. I am glad she tried spam.(she will not eat ham) During the trial run we found out Sam fell in love with her new name is Sam who loves spam, that taste like ham. We got beach balls, banks, and pens that all say spam. I will post pictures later. We also spent the rest of the day at the fair..we went to see the dancing bears and the pig races. We walked around and went into all the different tents. We also spent time at Donny's & Kim's stalls..they have the movie star, some other cows, sheep, goats, and the alpacas. It was a good day, hot but good.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
how many hours are there in a day

OK..If you all don't hear from me in the next week don't send out the rescue team. The fair starts tomorrow. My calender is booked until Monday, Sept the 15th. Here is a run down of our week...
Saturday Jenna's spam cooking contest
Sunday Church..1st washing of the cows, sheep, & turkeys
Monday Tori was a home volleyball game..go Rams
Tuesday Jenna & Tori have an egg cooking contest
Wednesday church meals start and so do Lambs & Youth
Thursday NOTHING..don't tell anyone..OK we take the trailer that day and the cows that night
Friday take the sheep wash the the cows
Saturday take the turkeys...get the sheep the the the turkeys...Sugarland concert
Sunday show the the cows...take the trailer home
on top of all this we still have the basic to, work, animals, homework, volleyball practice, & chess club.
So keep us in your thoughts and prayers...I'm going to need it.
So if anyone has any extra time that you would like to donate to me so I can get some sleep let me know...
Monday, September 1, 2008
outdoor movie
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