Saturday afternoon the girls and I went to Groce United Methodist Church to go through their "Return to Bethlehem". You walk into a village of Roman soldiers and shop keepers all talking about the strange light and the talk of the town. At the end you are at the Inn were the Shepard's are going to see a baby. They have live animals for you to touch and you see Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus in the stable. It reminds you the true meaning of Christmas.
That night the girls and I went to hear and see the "Singing Christmas Tree", the Bear was unable to go because she got sick. I remember the 1st time I went to hear the singing Christmas tree, it was in 1st Baptist Church of Daytona. Arden Presbyterian puts on a great show and it was amazing. They did the 12 days of Christmas in sections, we were the 4 calling birds and had to stand up and move our arms like the chicken dance. They ended the night with 1 candle brought to the front of the church and from there all of our candles were lite. You would light your candle and then the next person. It is like when you spread the good news you take it in and then you pass it on to the person next to you. After every ones candle was lighted we sang "Silent Night"..
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