Jonathan, Ann, Jenna, Tori, & Sammy

Friday, November 21, 2008


We spent halloween night at the church and had a great time. Over 200 people came by for trunk and treat. Yes, I said trunk and not trick. We park our cars and open our trunks and hand out candy. As a family we all went as hippies. We wore the shirts the girls made for us. The weather was nice not to cold not to warm.

As for Tori she went as a hippie and then changed costumes a few times. Our friends Bo & Sara borrowed the Pooh and Tigger so they let Tori were Bo's usual costume.

Tori finally grew!!! Then she helped Phil and became a cowgirl.

Afterwards, Sam went to a sleep over at a friends house. See, I had a dumb moment. I got a call in the beginning of Oct about this birthday/sleepover. I wrote it down and went on with the my crazy life. I took Sam the 3rd Saturday to the party but no one was home. Do you know why? The party was the night before. So, the Wilkies let Sam come over the next weekend and have a little party. Only me, have the right time but wrong day. Halloween night was fun. We have been eating candy for weeks now.

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