Some people say why do we go out and freeze our butts off, give up the electronic pleasures of life, no heat, & outside bathrooms 1 weekend a year? Well its for the memories we are making, the ghost stories we hear, the candy we win on the card games we play, the great food & family time we have, and its a family tradition. We have done it for 5 years but the Johnston/Reids have always done it. This year we spent the night at the fireman's camp instead of the usual camp it was different but loved being next to the French Broad River. It was cold but only got down to 40 degrees. No Snow this year...Yeah! I did burn the hashbrowns again but my omelet in a bag was a hit...Tori said they were good! Seem like we had about 50 wagons this year. Im glad the girls enjoy it and love the peace & quiet at night...beside the occasional laughter down from another wagon.
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