You know more women die of a heart attack than anything else? Of coarse when we were talking about this last week Sam's said, " Do you know why? " I said no why?
She then proceed to state..."because men don't have hearts". After I stopped laughing I told her that wasn't right. The 2 men in her life do have hearts they just don't like to show them. I told her we know for sure Grandaddy Ho does, Granny Bear has a picture of it from his last check up. Then she asked me not to tell Jonathan what she said because he would stop giving her those good hugs. This is American Heart Association month folks. Know the signs of a heart attack or stoke. The Bear & I started it off last Friday with wearing red ( no question in my mind who I look like). Show you care wear your red... I do it in memory of Uncle Lewis, Granny, MeMaw, & PaPaw. I also to it to honor my Bear. Hearts can heal we know that after a problem...see I still have a Bear around! The girls and I will finish the month of awareness off by going to Greenville to do the Heart Walk again. We are collecting $$ so if you would like to give click the link below...
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