You know it takes someone real special to knock you off your feet. Someone who loves me and my girls as much. That goes with the flow and jumps in and helps out. He must really love me or he is really crazy! But Jonathan has done it again.
He is teaching Jenna how to shoot a gun so they can do the 4H shooting club. Breath Bear they are going to be safe. He is starting her off with a bb gun and then will move her to a 22 after she completes her hunter safety coarse and he thinks she is ready. She is so excited and hit around the bulls eye a few times.
And like he has a lot of extra time with everything else he does Jonathan is going to help coach Sam's softball team. They have already started practicing for try outs in March. As long as no one breaks anything (teeth) we will be good.
Spring is in the air and the schedules are getting busy again...wait a minute did they ever slow down?