Sam made the south Asheville website and facebook page on her costume contest at the fair. It also won our family a wave party in Oct. Check out the links to see her.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
the movie star
If you didn't hear Jenna won the kid's spam cooking contest at the fair this year. She did Spam ola tacos. With this great honor she is going to have her recipe put in the national competition where she could win $$$$. The coolest part was our local tv station wanted her to come out and do a cooking segment on her Spam. She didn't want to do it at first but she agreed and did an amazing job all on 1 take. I am not allowed to tell anyone that she is going to be on tv but she didn't say anything about not blogging it....she will be on the cooking kitchen segment Oct 5th 12 o'clock news WLOS channel 13...but you didn't hear it from me. Watch out Paula Dean Jenna Ross is coming your way.
the end
Friday, September 25, 2009
more ribbons
what are they wearing????
Yes you are seeing correctly, the cows are dressed up. This is one of the best part of showing. Sunday afternoon they do a costume contest. Jenna dressed up Marsha and herself as spaceships, Sam & Besti did the Chick fila eat more chicken, and Tori and Gracie did spoiled milk. (Gracie was dressed as a prisoner and Tori the cop). Tori placed 2nd, Sam 3rd and Jenna 5th.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
the fair is over

It was a great 10 days but it ended out to be a wet one, on the last few days. First off I would like to thank the 4 guys in my life that try to keep order and go out of the way to do the crazies things for me and the girls...Ho, Jonathan, Donnie, & Dusty. Taking the trailer, moving cows, helping us wash cows, putting up with us girls, and always smiling as they do it, and much much more. Then the next important person that helps me & keeps me sane during the busy week is my Bear. She picks up the girls, brings food, and baby sits the cows. Without these 5 people I would not have any hair left on my head. It took a village to get thru the fair and the girls are already counting down the days until next year. We also want to thank Uncle Tim and Emma for coming out the 1st day and support Jenna's goat show. We ended up with 24 ribbons for the week...yeah!! From pumpkins, sunflowers, tye dye shirts, 2 cooking contest, goat shows & cow shows we made the Ross Girls name known. We even had time to see Randy Houser in concert and meet him, ride the sky lift, play some games, and watch the pig races. I don't want to see another corn dog for a while or hear about the giant rat. I'll put some pictures up soon. I only took a few (I had to change my memory stick only once) about 250 pixs where taken.
WNC Mountain state fair is now history.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Jenna's goat
Jenna showed Friday Night for showman ship..that is where they judge the goat and not ever dealing with dairy goats before this past summer at the Sandburg farm Jenna really jumped at the challenge...she got 3rd place! Way to go Nick!
Youth and adult SPAM contest winners crowned at fair
FLETCHER--Fifty-seven years of cooking experience separate the winning chefs in Saturday's SPAM Cooking Contest held at the 2009 NC Mountain State Fair. More than 40 cooks entered the youth and adult competitions trying for cash prizes and consideration for inclusion in national competition.
Carolyn Brown of Hendersonville took top honors and $150 in the adult category with her SPAM and broccoli casserole, while Jenna Ross of Buncombe County won the youth category with her Taco Spamoli recipe. Ross pocketed $60 for the youth win.
More than 40 contestants brought recipes for the judges to consider with only the top three in each age group selected for honors. The two top dishes will then compete against 40 other winners in the national contest in 2010.
"This was a tough competition, and it really put the judges to the test," said fair manager Matt Buchanan. "I don't recall ever having more entries for the judges to consider, and there was a great deal of youth involvement today."
Carolyn Brown of Hendersonville took top honors and $150 in the adult category with her SPAM and broccoli casserole, while Jenna Ross of Buncombe County won the youth category with her Taco Spamoli recipe. Ross pocketed $60 for the youth win.
More than 40 contestants brought recipes for the judges to consider with only the top three in each age group selected for honors. The two top dishes will then compete against 40 other winners in the national contest in 2010.
"This was a tough competition, and it really put the judges to the test," said fair manager Matt Buchanan. "I don't recall ever having more entries for the judges to consider, and there was a great deal of youth involvement today."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Taylor Swift
Jonathan & I took the girls to see Taylor Swift last weekend. It was a sold out concert with 95% of the people screaming teenage girls. But I have to say she puts on an amazing concert. She played all her new as well as her old music with lots of explanations on why she wrote her different songs. She is a great role model for the girls out there. Kellie Pickler opened up for her and Glornia opened for Kellie. It was a great night. But the kids will tell you their favorite part was the waiter at Denny's at 1'o clock in the morning 4 meal snack. It is great to have kids that go with the flow and a boyfriend that will take you there. The 5 of us had a fun time enjoying pancake bites and hot sauce on our eggs. It is like Kellie's song I have had the best days of my life...and hopefully many more to come.
4H summer picnic
end of the summer goat party
Tori & Jenna worked this past summer at the Carl Sandburg farm. They cleaned stalls, feed and walked the goats and answered the visitors questions. Every Sunday after church we would go to Flat Rock so they could spend their afternoon there. They had a great time and we enjoyed the fresh veggies out of the garden they brought us home. At the end of it all they had a party, all the food was made from goat milk (which is very good), got their awards, and had a goat show. I really enjoyed it and the kids seemed liked they had fun.
4 H clinic
Now to some people the fair is something you go and get a corn dog and ride some ride that is going to make you throw up that corn dog. But not us on the funny farm and many other country families out there. The fair is show off your veggies & flowers you have grown and to get dirty and walk your animal around for hopefully a blue ribbon or just the pleasure of knowing you have control of that 300 lb animal. The weeks before the fair you wash and clean, train, and walk your days away. Our 4H club got together for a clinic to help you learn to wash a chicken or cow and how to clip your sheep. It is also a night that the kids get together and have some fun and us adults say we are not doing all this next year ( but we always do ). I think the kids come home dirty and the animals clean.
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