If you haven't heard Ho's motorcycle trailer was taken last night from a hotel in Ga. They were on their way down to Daytona for bike week, Ho had a meeting in Orlando, and the Bear was going to go see the family. All their clothes, family stuff they were bring to the family, and the bike. This was Ho's toy. His way to get away from the farm full of women. I believe everything happens for a reason but we are wishing bad karma on the buttheads that took all their stuff.
125..you sure helped me get thru this morning....there is a reason...and what goes around comes around for sure...they will be "rewarded" some day!
125 Bear
Without these small events, life would be like a smooth paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.
Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.
For sure, those who steal "toys" are in for a double dose of Karma.
For the rest of us, enjoy the ups and downs!
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