Jonathan, Ann, Jenna, Tori, & Sammy

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Babies at Reidhill !!!

I have always heard that the full moon brings the new borns and after spending Sunday at Reidhill Farm, Donny's & Kim's place, I believe it more. There were triplets, twins, and singletons. There were black sheep, white sheep, mixed colored goats, and even a black calf. It is hard to believe that a Mommy black sheep can have white and one black. Everything I learned in genetics in high school doesn't work on the farm. There was even a Mommy white sheep who had triples..two white and one black. Maybe they don't know who the Daddy's your Daddy? The girls had a ball. I had to herd them into the jeep to come home. Jenna named a black ewe Bear...because Granny Bear loves black licorice. He is so cute all black with a little bit of white hair on his head. Sam was covered in mud...she stayed in the goat pen with the 4 day old goat name Freddy. She tried to take his twin brother home, Franklin, under her jacket. Tori was enjoying the sheep but the the Mommy's did not like everyone around her babies. When you get the chance ask Tori what it means when a sheep stomps her feet at you? (If you don't move as quick as she wants you to, away from her babies, she head butts you in the butt.) We want a herd of sheep now. Guess we will have to wait until Ho leaves town again. EWE have all have a good day now!

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