As the holiday season comes to an end it felt like a big whirl wind. Between the snow, family coming to visit, our 2 trips, us visiting family, Christmas caroling, and of coarse a birthday. I know Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birthday but I was talking about the twins...sorry. It all started with Sam, Micheal, & Jonathan running the 5k for girls on the run. Micheal & Sam ran it in 23.32, Jonathan ran (one lap) but at least he was there to support them. Then Jonathan & I went to my company Christmas party. It was great, we won a gift card for Olive Garden, & stayed the night at the Crown Plaza. We woke up the next morning to 3 inches of snow. That didn't keep us in, we went to get the girls and rode the back trails in the snow. The girls had a few snow days off after that. At the end of that week we packed our bags and headed to Gaitlburg. It was part of their Christmas present we enjoyed the indoor pool, the girls ice skating at Ober, we walked around the shops, played indoor putt putt at Cooters, ate dinner at Bubba Gumps (the girls only missed 2 trivia questions, it's their favorite movie), went to the top of the needle to enjoy the lights, went to the Riply's aquarium,and the girls got to splash with the sting rays. This is a program where the girls got to get into wet suits and play around the stingrays. We headed home to the farm full of family. Jan & Joey came and Ike & Janie came up later. During their stay we went to see the gingerbread houses @ the Grove Park, the girls got to go to Opie Taylor (toy store) & Bullwinklies (best hot dog place), played games, and of coarse ate. After they left the girls and I went Christmas caroling with the church and then we got the presents ready for the family the church adopted. Once all that was done it was Christmas Eve day. We went to Hickory for the day to spend it with the Clarks. There is nothing like a house full of family and food. After a few games of Apples to
Apples and sitting around the fire we headed to Granny K's house for a few. Then over the mountain we went to Momma Sandie's for the night. Christmas morning we woke up to more snow and a fablous breakfast. Then it was over the river and thru the woods to the Bear's house we went. Ho had made the best appitries and the girls played with their remote control cars (nothing says redneck girls like remote control cars & nail polish..thanks Santa). After we enjoyed the afternoon we went back to Sandi's to eat supper. As it got dark we slide back to our houses to enjoy a good needed night sleep. Sunday afternoon Jonathan came to get us and we went to John's to have a fried turkey dinner. We all had a big sleep over at the Bear's and played Clue. After a few more days of snow and major snow drifts it finally ended, the snow that is. On the twin's birthday we went shopping that morning and then headed to a cottage we rented in Brevard. It was amazing having the sound of the river and the beautiful stain glass. We brought in the new year eating tacos, playing board games, and popping a bottle of bubblie. Jonathan had to work during the day but we hung out & did girlie things. That night we ate of coarse black eye peas, collards, & rice. It has been a very busy last of 3 weeks but you know, I would not change it for the world. Hope you had a great holiday as much as we have. I'll post some pictures of all of this soon. Happy New Year from the Funny Farm.